Bikes, windmills, and beaches – Knokke, Belgium

We took a train from London to Brussels and Brussels to Knokke, Belgium. Knokke is a small, seaside city about an hour and a half away from Brussels by train. A pretty, quiet vacation city characterized by thatched roofs and white walls, it was a perfect place to be based out of for the first half of our time in Belgium. We stayed with Luisa’s family friends who showed generous hospitality by letting us stay in their home and by showing us all the best places to go. When we arrived, it was sunny but cold. We got a nice drink of rosé wine at a beach club called The Blue Buddha with a great atmosphere and beatitude view, then walked along the beach and through the city center. 

Our second day consisted of a short drive to Holland to a small town called Sluiss. Being from America, it shocked me that I didn’t need my passport to go to another country. Or that there wasn’t really a sign that we were leaving Belgium. Or that it only took 15 minutes to get to the border. Sluiss was great, centered around a beautiful canal and filled with picturesque houses and a windmill. We ate lunch, walked along the canal, and explored the shops of this relaxing town. Definitely worth the short drive. 

We finished the day again at The Blue Buddha, surrounded by good company and good drinks. Not too shabby Belgium. 

The third day, Luisa came down with a cold, so while she rested I borrowed a bike and struck out to explore the surrounding area. Belgians love their bike riding, so I was pleased with the number of bike trails and well-marked maps. First I rode up along the coast to a nature park called Zwin. It provided gorgeous views of the ocean and surrounding wetlands, with trails weaving through the dunes and along canals. 

 Somehow I ended up in Holland again, so I decided to turn around and get a map from the tourist center. From there I biked back down the coast towards the small towns of Ramskapelle and Westkapelle. Both had gorgeous buildings with churches and windmills and were surrounded by bright green farmland. It was so peaceful to be cycling alone through the countryside, taking in the beautiful sights and perfect weather. 

 At one point I found an old WWII bunker built into the side of a hill in the middle of nowhere. There was just so much to explore and see, and so many bike paths that I could have spent days just biking around the area. 

 As clouds moved in and the weather grew colder, I made my way back to Knokke. Winding through the roads of the city and making my way back towards the sea, I realized that biking 40+ miles had made me incredibly hungry. I stopped for a Belgian waffle and ended the perfect day doing my favorite thing – eating.  


One thought on “Bikes, windmills, and beaches – Knokke, Belgium

  1. Sue Palmer

    What a fantastic experience you are having Katie, I’m sure you’ll hate to have to leave it all behind. Thanks so much for these posts and pictures, it has been fun to read and see it all through your eyes!


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